DOE Advancing the AFV choice |
Advancing the Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Choice events are taking
place in cities across the nation. AFV Choice events take the "one-stop"
shopping approach by bringing fleet managers together with vehicle
manufacturers, dealers, fuel providers, and equipment suppliers, in an
effort to familiarize the fleet managers with the range of vehicles and
alternative fuel options available to them. To aid coalitions in
planning events the Clean Cities Program has developed a series of
planning documents listed below. Coalitions are encouraged to hold
events tailored to specific alternative fuel niche markets. We can
provide Coordinators with information packets for event atten dees,
please contact Wendy Dafoe
[email protected], 303-275-4470, to customize your event packets. |
Attendee Information Packet |
This page provides a short explanation of each document in the attendee
packet. Events should include time on the agenda for explaining the
contents of the attendee information packets. |
Event Planning Packet Information |
Links to Responsibility List, Model Agenda, Coordinator Planning
Document and Checklist. |
Presentation |
Overview of the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fleet Buyer's Guide. The
Fleet Buyer's Guide is a a Web-based tool to help Fleet Managers make
informed decisions about AFV purchases. (Left click to view the
presentation from the Web, or right click on the link and use Save As.
Then open the presentation in PowerPoint and both the slide and
presentation notes are viewable for each page.)
Advancing the
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Choice |
Schedule of Events |
You can contact other Coalitions to find out what they have done to
create successful events. See the Schedule of Past Events for contact information
If you have questions about information on this page please contact
Wendy Dafoe at (303) 275-4470, or
[email protected]